Çocuk Filozoflar






Çocuk Filozoflar





Çocuk Filozoflar



Is an personal developement programme that is created to educate and guide children to be individuals in the future who have certain level of intellectual maturity, who knows what she or he wants to be and wants to do, that can create her or his own goals.

Çocuk Filozoflar


The grow indivuduals who has a certain intellectual maturity, who knows what they want to do and what they want to be, who can set their own goals.



Being aware of the importance of starting early to guide the individuals early as possible to discover themselves, the grown individuals who are aware of their talents, capacity and desires.



With the simplest definition, Children Philosophers is''Personality Devolopment Programme For Children''.It is a programme that is made of seven modules.Time Management, Social Skills, Intellectual Knowledge,Bodily Awareness, Analytical and Critical Thinking, Knowing Self,Puberty and Conflict Resolution. Each module contains knowledge that child can use that every stage of his/her life, and our goal is to make the individuals gain these skills at young age use for his/her own happiness.



 With the experienced staff and environment build to make the child think freely and  increase her/his quality of life intellectually, help to grow children that are have high awareness, happy and peaceful.